FarStone DriveClone Server + Workstation v11 Download Full,Tạo bản sao chép các máy trạm,Server mạnh mẽ!
1 sản phẩm thật sự rất hữu ích cho các bạn làm Server Manager,Game Net...
Hỗ trợ cả Bios UEFI,các partiton có dung lượng > 4Tb,Clone qua lại HDD<=>SSD..
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DriveClone NC (Free for Non-Commercial Users)
HDD, SSD, and RAID Cloning
DriveClone supports cloning from HDD to SSD, HDD to RAID, partition to disk, and vice versa.
Fast Recovery
The cloned hard drive is bootable, can be used to boot your computers for immediately recovery when disaters strike.
Clone to VM file (virtualization)
DriveClone clones/converts a computer system to a VMware or Hyper-v virtual image file. The virtual image file can be loaded and played directly in VMware and Hyper-v.
Perfect Defrag Cloning
DriveClone will 100% defrag all sectors before writing to destination hard drive, boosts the drive's performance 20% faster.
Dissimilar/Universal Boot Cloning
DriveClone keeps the cloned drive in a "Universal Bootable Format", allow it to boot on different computers; making migrate/replace drive simple and easy.
UEFI cloning
FarStone DriveClone is the only true 100% UEFI computer cloning solution. The cloned hard drive can be immediately bootable on the same machine or another UEFI machine with similar hardware environment.
Mirror Drive
Mirror Drive creates a "mirror" hard drive of your current hard drive. The mirror drive is 100% exactly the same to your current hard drive. Mirror drive is incorporated with incremental cloning and historic files' versions backup features.
How to clone and duplicate hard drives with DriveClone?Desktop Connection: Connect new hard drive to the system as the 2nd hard drive. DriveClone will be able tclone your system drive to the 2nd hard drive directly. Replace your old drive with the new drive after cloning is completed.
Laptop Connection: Please follow steps below:
1. Plug an USB hard drive
2. Install DriveClone
3. DriveClone clone hard drive on latop to USB hard drive
4. Remove hard drive from USB enclosure
5. Replace hard drive on latop with new hard drive.

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Bản Server:http://trustbank.vn/A04/FarStone_DriveClone_Server_v11.rar
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FarStone DriveClone Server + Workstation v11 Download Full,Tạo bản sao chép các máy trạm,Server mạnh mẽ!
Reviewed by Unknown

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